WHO WE ARE | Our Team

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Over the past twenty-five years, VanWeelden Financial Group has evolved into the completely independent, highly focused, and truly comprehensive retirement specialists we are today. We’ve assembled an exceptionally talented team of professional associates and strategic partnerships that enable us to deliver unparalleled expertise and personalized care across the entire spectrum of retirement services, all under one roof.

We are independent, holistic Financial Fiduciaries. Our team of experienced professionals offers a “hands-on” approach to financial guidance. Not only will you find us knowledgeable, but you will also discover that we truly care about your vision for your life. We will do everything in our power to keep you focused on where you want to go, advise you on how to get there, and continually remind you of the importance of maintaining a disciplined approach to realizing your retirement dreams.​


As Founder and Principal of VanWeelden Financial Group, it’s my job to guide you through a truly holistic planning process, developing comprehensive solutions that integrate every aspect of your financial situation. My role is to fully understand your circumstances then provide you with information and advice to make the best possible decisions. Working together, we’ll focus on your unique, personal objectives; analyze your situation; develop strategies for you to consider; implement your plan; and then review it regularly to ensure you stay on track.

​Professional Background​.
John earned his MBA with an emphasis in Finance, as well as two undergraduate degrees from Miami University, Oxford. He holds the designation of Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy, a post graduate degree combining advanced studies in Estate and Charitable Planning, as well as that of Accredited Investment Fiduciary*. John has spent over twenty five years teaching and advising clients about retirement and recently published the bestselling book “The Real Deal on Retirement.” Check it out!

*The AIF designation signifies specialized knowledge of fiduciary responsibility and the ability to implement policies and procedures that meet a defined standard of care. The designation is the culmination of a rigorous training program, which includes a comprehensive final examination under the supervision of a proctor, and agreement to abide by the Code of Ethics.

DIANE VANWEELDEN, Managing Partner

As Managing Partner, I oversee the intricate details that keep our firm running smoothly as well as create strategic plans that keep us headed in the right direction. As Retirement Life Coach, I work with client to process the changes associated with retirement, set goals, establish new lifestyle habits, and re-establish their identity outside of their professional career job titles. 

Professional Background​.
Diane earned a Bachelor’s degree in Strategic Communications from Miami University, Oxford. She worked for many years in both the for-profit and not-for-profit arenas in Public Relations, Marketing Communications, and Organizational Management. Diane is also a certified Life Coach.  Her life coaching practice ARISE is located next door to VanWeelden Financial Group.  For over 25 years, Diane has offered one-on-one sessions, facilitated groups, taught classes and led retreats.

JIM CONNELL, CFF, Senior Advisor

My primary role is to develop your holistic plan addressing all of your financial, tax, insurance, and legal needs. This planning process includes everything from determining the best Social Security claiming strategy to evaluating ways to minimize your tax burden throughout your lifetime. I’m also the resident Medicare expert.  In this role, I guide our full-service clients through the often confusing landscape of healthcare after age 65. The thing I love most about my job is the chance to help people make some of their most important life decisions.

Professional Background​.
Jim received a Bachelor’s degree from Miami University in Oxford and worked in the Media Industry for 23 years.  At WKRC (Local12), Jim served as an Account Executive for many years and finished up his career as National Sales Manager. In the media sales arena, Jim adapted to a constantly changing environment and developed his skill of listening to clients’ needs in order to deliver results they want.

*CFF is a professional designation for financial professionals, namely, those who have successfully completed a rigorous certification and training process established by NACFF and AFEA (the American Financial Education Alliance), and who agreed to uphold the highest moral, ethical, and fiduciary standards of service when providing advice to potential existing clients.

JAIME WRIGHT, Executive Operations Manager

Jaime fills a vital role at our firm as Executive Operations Manager. She brings years of executive leadership and operational management experience and we are excited to have her skills and support as we continue to provide the highest level of client service possible. Jaime looks forward to meeting everyone and becoming a valued member of the ​VanWeelden Financial Group family!

Professional Background​.
With 25 years in customer service and 20 years in business management and organizational leadership, Jaime has developed a strong foundation in driving operational excellence and fostering collaboration. She is eager to apply her expertise to help contribute to the ongoing success of this amazing organization.

TRICIA SMITH, FQFP, Director of Client Services

Tricia provides support to all of our clients full-time as our Director of Client Services. Tricia’s years of experience in wealth management, client services, and financial planning greatly enhance VanWeelden Financial Group’s ongoing delivery of unparalleled service to our clients.  

Professional Background​.
Tricia brings over 25 years of professional experience with large financial services organizations as well as boutique financial advisor firms. She is a Financial Paraplanner Qualified Professional (FQFP), a graduate of Xavier University, and an Ohio Notary. In previous positions, Tricia played vital roles in preparing and reviewing financial plans, supporting the overall objectives of financial advisors and their clients, and overseeing all aspects of daily client service operations. 

JUNO VANWEELDEN, Operations Specialist

As Operations Specialist, Juno supports back office operations including designing and maintaining systems, technology, website and social media management. As our daughter, Juno has been personally invested in VanWeelden Group even when pursuing dreams outside of the financial industry. When she has a break from her work and studies, you’ll find her absorbed in a book or art project, experimenting in the kitchen, or exploring the wide world. 

Professional Background​.
In 2017, Juno earned a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, focusing on creative drama and applied theater in educational and community contexts. She is currently a graduate student at New York University in Drama Therapy. Prior to joining our team, Juno worked as a Subject Matter Expert at Orion Trading and a Client Service Specialist at Virtual Outsource Solutions. Her understanding of financial technology and client services is robust. In 2023, Juno passed the NASAA Series 65 Exam, making her a qualified Investment Advisor Representative. 

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

— Winston Churchill