Want the Real Deal on Retirement? In the following video series I will teach you how to achieve the two most critical aspects of retirement – Lifetime Income Stability and Asset Preservation.

Using proprietary strategies like our bucket planning process, defensively tactical investing, and advanced tax planning, I’ll walk you through the three steps you need to preserve your assets and provide a lifetime of income.

For over twenty years I’ve helped my clients plan and prepare for successful retirements. I’ve developed and refined a proven process to help people build their own Real Deal Blueprint for retirement that won’t be derailed when life throws you a curve.

John VanWeelden

Retirement Road Map #1

Plan, Prepare & Review #2

Your Preferred Future #3

Lifetime Income Stability #4

Estimating Expenses #5

Cash Flow Planning #6

Social Security #7

The Flaw of Averages #8

Managing Volatility #9

The Money Cycle #10

Sequence of Returns Risk #11

The Bucket Plan #12

Taxes In Retirement #13

New Tax Class 2021 - Part 1

New Tax Class 2021 - Part 2

“We love to teach, and we believe well-informed clients make better decisions and have a higher level of confidence in the decisions they make.”